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Hair Transplant Surgery. Explore, Learn & Consult With An Expert

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Hair transplant surgery explained!

The Basics

Hair transplant surgery is the removal of hair follicles from the sides and/or the back of the head (referred to as the donor area(s) that are then transplanted to areas of the head that require hair (referred to as the recipient area(s).


Hair is removed from the recipient are(s) using either the FUE method or the FUT (strip) method. FUE is an acronym for Follicular Unit Extraction and FUT is an acronym for Follicular Unit Transplant. 

A detailed overview of the FUE process can be found here:  FUE hair transplant surgery and a detailed over view of the FUT process can be found here: FUT hair transplant surgery

The time it takes to complete your hair transplant is dependent upon the type of surgery you have (FUE or FUT) and the amount of grafts you require to meet your hair restoration goals. Larger sessions, called megasessions, could take up to two consecutive days to complete surgery (typically 5,000 or more grafts).

FUE surgery requires more time to complete than FUT as each follicle is extracted one by one during an FUE procedure. During strip surgery, a single strip is extracted from the back and/or sides of a patient’s head, then passed to a team of technicians who separate the follicles under powerful microscopes. Having multiple technicians extracting at the same time, obviously speeds up the pace of the surgery. 

Are You Eligible For Hair Transplant Surgery?

Not everyone is a candidate for hair transplant surgery. Find out if you are today!

Common Hair Transplant Questions

This is one of the most frequently asked questions when an individual begins exploring hair transplant surgery as an option. If you are at the beginning stages of your research, you may notice quite a range in prices. Variables may include, the type of surgery (FUT or FUE), whether the surgery is performed manually or by a robot, the location of the clinic (overseas versus local) and the reputation of the clinic or surgeon.

The actual surgery itself is quite ‘pain free’ and comfortable. Where some individuals experience discomfort, is during the healing process. Some side effects could include itching, headaches, possible infection (as with any type of invasive surgery) swelling, numbness and inflammation. 

Typically, growth begins around the 6th month mark, with full growth occurring around the 10-12 month mark post surgery. 

The recovery time typically ranges from 7-10 days. Some patients, notice numbing in the donor area (typically with FUT surgery) that can last for an extended time (sometimes years after surgery). While this may sound ‘scary’, you actually don’t notice the numbing unless you touch the impacted area.

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Patient Age:
Surgery Type:
Number of Grafts:
Norwood Scale:
Type 5a
Patient Age:
Surgery Type:
Number of Grafts:
Norwood Scale:
Type 5
Patient Age:
Surgery Type:
Number of Grafts:
Norwood Scale:
Type 6
Patient Age:
Surgery Type:
Number of Grafts:
Ludwig Scale:
Type 1c
Patient Age:
Surgery Type:
Number of Grafts:
Norwood Scale:
Type 5a
Patient Age:
Surgery Type:
Number of Grafts:
Norwood Scale:
Type 4a